The C.C.R. bike scene

Monday, August 20, 2007


Recent news 8.20.07

Mount Washington's long awaited, once a year, suicidal ride up to the peak was canned due to 75 mph wind and horizontal sleet! O Come on! It's only once a year! Let 'em ride up, even if they'll get blown over in waves of ice bullets! Rain date anyone?

Gregg and Chris B. went to the Tour of the Hill towns in MA. on Saturday. Both were "hurting but it was fun." They placed back in the peloton but just finishing is outstanding!

Dillon raced in his "Flat loving" crit fashion on Sunday in Hartford Keith Burger Memorial Crit. Not a bad showing for E.V. placing 5th all on his lonesome.

Imagine where dillon could've placed with support!?
where was his wife?! Or his girlfriends/brother?! Messed up!
thats not a nice thing to say ...... or post.
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